Jon Poole

Year Started in Wing Chun: 
Sifu Jon Poole has been involved in martial arts since he was a teenager. In 1995 he was introduced to Wing Chun and began his training at the Queensland Wing Chun Kung Fu academy in 1996 he became a private student and, under the guidance of Master Ian Protheroe gained instructor status in 2003. In the following years Jon travelled to China, Hong Kong , Taiwan, and the United States training with many other Wing Chun masters as well as students of the late Bruce Lee. His dedication to Wing Chun was recognised early in his Martial career and subsequently was accepted as a “closed door” disciple by his teacher, Sifu Jon Poole is fluent in all aspects of both the open hand system and weapons. Over the years he has met and trained with many student of Grandmaster Yip Man and in 2007 was accepted as a life member of the Ving Tsun athletic association, Hong Kong. In the same year he became a member of the Yip Man Martial Art Association and, in 2008 joined the Hong Kong Chinese Martial art association. Jon has devoted his life to perfecting his own Wing Chun and preserving and passing on the system to future generations.