Master Marco Natali, whose full name is Marco Antonio Natali Ceda, was born April 27, 1950, in São Paulo.
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Master Marco Natali, whose full name is Marco Antonio Natali Ceda, was born April 27, 1950, in São Paulo.
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Master Marco Natali, whose full name is Marco Antonio Natali Ceda, was born April 27, 1950, in São Paulo.
Master Marco Natali, whose full name is Marco Antonio Natali Ceda, was born April 27, 1950, in São Paulo.
He began his practice of Martial Arts in July 1962, through the teachings of Master Wong Chang Lee, who began in styles Ch'an Tao Chuan, Shaolin Chang Chuan and Tai Chi Chuan.
With the death of his Master in 1968, continued his learning in Kung Fu and began practicing other martial arts. He was a disciple of Master See Tiong Foo in Wing Chun, he studied Shaolin and Tai Chi Chuan with Professor Ho, who used to lecture at the Chinese Mission in Brazil before emigrating to California. Fey Hok Pay with Professor Lope Siu Ping and Tai Chi Chuan with Professor Liu Chi Ming.