Fung Gar Sup Yee San Sik

Posted By : scubasteve

Last Update: Dec 10, 2015


Systems and Components


Sources: AWCKRI Oral and written tradition Kulo Village Source: Garry Baniecki Oral and written tradition Lo Kwai Family Oral and written tradition Chan Family Leungs Publishing New Martial Hero Wulin Magazine

    Systems and Components
Curriculum: Siu Lin Tao(Little Training Set) Dai Lin Tao(Big Training Set) Saam Pai Fut (Three Prayers to Buddha)) Sae Mun By Tze (4 Directional Swaying fingers) Dai Lin (Big Training) Saam Jin Choi (Three Arrow Fist) Biu Choi (Darting Fist) Sup Jee Choi (Cross Shape Fist) Lan Kiu (Barring Bridge) Wu Dip Jeung (Butterfly Palms) Jit Jee Kum Kiu (Slicing Fingers Seizing Bridge) Hok Bong (Crane Wing) Tang Ma Biu Jee (Jumping Horse Darting Fingers) Wan Wun Yiu (Life After Death) Fook Fu (Subdue the Tiger) Extensions: Dai Bong (Big Wing) Fu Mei (Tiger Tail) Lung Na (Dragon Grab) Cup Da (Controlling Hitting) Lin Wan Fai Jeung (Linking Fast Palms) Seung Lung Chut Hoi (Twin Dragons Emerge from the Sea) Sources: Oral and written tradition Jim Roseleando (All copyrights) Yee Ren Sik - ( 2 Man Sets): Most of the 12 San Sik skills have some additional San sik or 2 man drill, that is designed to develop certain feelings and Noi Gung. Than the San Sik is practised on the Muk Yan Jong. Extensions: Jut Choi - San Sik Dai Bong - 2 Man Set San Sik System Proper: Siu Lin Tau - 2 Man Sticking Set Dai lin Tau - San Sik - 2 Man Dai Lin Set - Got Sau and Por Jung Faat Sam Jin Choi - San Sik Biu Choi - 2 Man Set with Undercycling Sup Jee Choi - San Sik and 2 Man Set - Go Lo Dai Gwa Choi alternating w/ Har Lo Bong Sao Jeung Lan Kiu - San Sik - 2 Man Set Wu Dip Jeung - 2 Man Sticking Set - With Kwan Sau Cycling Jit Jee Kum Kiu - 2 Man Sticking Set Hok Bong - 2 Man Sticking Set Tang Mah Biu Jee - San Sik Wan Wun Yiu - San Sik Fook Fu - 2 Man Sticking Set Saam Dim Boon Kwun (3 and 1/2 Point Pole) Yee Jee Dit Ming Seung Dao (Character 2 Life Taking Double Knives) Sources: AWCKRI Oral tradition Kulo Village Oral and written tradition Jim Roseleando Leungs Publishing Another Listing of the Fung Sup Yee San Sik is as follows: 1: Siu Lien Tao 2: Dai Lien Tao 3: Biu Choi 4: Sam Jin Choi 5: Lan Kiu 6: Seung Lung 7: Wu Dip Jeung 8: Chum Kiu 9: Tuen Kiu 11: Bil Jee 12: Fuk Fu Famous Wing Chun Kuen Master, Leung Jan, passed down a San Sik based system of Wing Chun, when he retired back to his native village (Kulo/Gulao). Like most Wing Chun tradition, several variations can be found, just within the differant branchs stemming from Kulo Village. Some Oral tradition states that Leung Jan’s Sifu Wong Wah Bo, who was also from Kulo Village, asked Leung, to pass on the Wing Chun Kuen system to his remaining relatives, when Leung retired back home. Leung Jan agreeing, wasted no time in teaching Wong Wah Sam, a relative of Wong Wah Bo, who in turn passed the system down to Fung Chun, the head of the Fung Family. Other tradition states that Leung witnessed Wong Wah Sum, practising Kiu Sau methods on a tree, and enquired what the young man was doing. Wong replied that since there were very few Wongs in Kulo Village he was picked on, and so had to learn how to protect himself. Its typicaly agreed upon that outside of Wong Wah Sum, Leung also passed the system down to Leung Bok Cheung, the son of Leung Jan’s brother and someone named Yik Ying. Won Wah Sum at age 76 taught young Fung Chun (17 years old) who to this day, along side Leung Jan’s great grand-nephew Leung Wai Nam still live in Kulo village preserving the art. Modern research done by the AWKCRI suggests the San Sik system was specifically the method that Leung Yee Tai passed down to Leung Jan. Its possible that since Leung was already in his mid 70′s, he knew he didnt have the time to teach the Wing Chun Kuen system proper, and used the faster San Sik system. It is theorized that the posibility exists that Leung Jan, if not teaching the exact San Sik set Leung Yee Tai passed down, returned full circle back to San Sik method, albiet one of his own refining. Oral tradition preserved within the Lo Kwai family, as discovered by the AWCKRI, suggests it was Leung Jan, who help integrate the San Sik method with Wong Wah Bo’s single archival hand form method, to create the three hand forms, wooden dummy and weapons we see today. It is known that there are several different versions, of the Kulo Village Wing Chun Kuen System. The version passed down by Fung Chun to his son, Fung Keung, is usually refered to as the Fung Sup Yee San Sik (12 Separate Forms) or Kulo Village system proper. Each of the 12 San Sik contains one cycle with 3 motions, or 3 separate points, totaling at 36. Each Small Set may be practised Solo in the Air, Solo on the Jong (Jong Sau), in a 2 man set, and with the Yee Gee Dao.

Posted By : scubasteve

Last Update: Dec 10, 2015


Systems and Components


Sources: AWCKRI Oral and written tradition Kulo Village Source: Garry Baniecki Oral and written tradition Lo Kwai Family Oral and written tradition Chan Family Leungs Publishing New Martial Hero Wulin Magazine

    Systems and Components